There are many technical solutions to train pilots and air force crew to ensure that squadrons are highly prepared and effective ...
Trackings Flares :
In flight test centers, or during air to air or ground to air or ground to air training campaigns, infrared guided-missiles are fired to train Forces operators, or to test missile effectiveness during development phases.
- Conventional TF
The IR missile is fired to a target operated from the ground.
Targets are equipped with an infrared generator allowing IR
sensors to be locked on a significant Hot Spot: TRACKING FLARES.
- Ejected TF
The IR tracking flare attached to the target is ignited. The IR missile is then locked
on the tracking flare and launched. The pyrotechnic device fixed on the tracking
flare is ignited, allowing the tracking flare to be ejected from the target
The costly target is safe.
MANPADS simulators :
A MANPAD is a missile departure simulator to set off the aircraft's MWS.
The system is composed of a firing launcher (often mounted on a mobile, towable, stand) loaded with a pyrotechnic device generating the IR flash simulating the MANPAD ejector.
High level of credibility: IR/UV signature and trajectory.
Practice Bombs & Impact Markers
Bombing missions are an essential component of modern air warfare and will remain so despite the increasing sophistication of aircraft and weapon systems. To meet the need for appropriate and effective training procedures, Etienne LACROIX has developed the BAVAR practice bomb.
Based on a modular concept, the choice of the appropriate combination of tail assembly, nose cone and ballast units allows the simulation of the trajectories of a wide range of bombs.
The impact marker indicates the impact point of practice bombs.
Our range of airborne training solutions consists of the following solutions:
Tracking Flares series
Lacroix Defense produces a full range of high reliable, innovative pyrotechnic tracking or ejected flares with specific emissions of adapted intensity:
- IR bandwidth (IR Tracking / Ejected Flare): 317 series (A, B, C, N models depending on the output) but also the Matador model (25mm)
- Visual domain (Visual Tracking / Ejected Flare): 317 series (L model)
- IR and visual: 317 series (R/F model)
- Ejectable models: 317 series, EJ version mentionned
MANPAD simulators
SIDEMIR is a low-cost system developed by Lacroix to simulate, with a high level of credibility, MANPAD launches (IR signature, trajectory, etc.. ).
Practice Bombs
Our practice bombs can be employed on all combat and training aircraft fitted with jaw type or standard 14 inch lug carriage / ejection systems compatible with BAVAR.
BAVAR are suitable for all types of bombing procedures, and are qualified on a wide range of aircraft.
- BAVAR F3 : Simulation of most high drag bombs, particulary 250 and 400 kg.
- BAVAR F4 : Simulation of most low drag bombs, particulary 250 and 400 kg.